mercredi 17 décembre 2008

Article on SDN

Cool, I wrote a little tool in Abap to extract data, so that I can see them in a graphical format...and it has been published on the SAP Developer Network: here. The sad thing is that the embedded files within the document haven't been correctly imported to the web site :-(

mercredi 26 novembre 2008

htmlText in TextArea

It seems normal that when you pass "<" or ">" in an HTML component for rendering, you get something wrong, but the implementation of the mx:TextArea is quite weird! It stops all the rendering! Meaning, if you have this character in the first HTML line, all the rest of your page doesn't appears! (This was a bug in the NuggViewer => fixed now)

How to use AIR files without administrator rights?

Or, to reformulate the question:
  • How to put an AIR application on an USB key?
  • How to use an AIR application without having to put some things in the window registry?
  • How to use an AIR application without having to launch the AIR runtime installer?
What I did:
  • I use the AIR Debug Launcher (ADL) from the AIR SDK: "It allows you to test an AIR application without having to package and install it"
  • You can find it in the AIR SDK directory: Bin\adl.exe
  • Just drag and drop (or use command line) your "xxxx-app.xml" file (from your compiled directory) on the ADL application

dimanche 23 novembre 2008

Binding of all attributes of an XML node to a DataGrid

I've wanted to bind all attributes (name and value) to a datagrid (see previous post about NuggViewer and BSP attributes). I'm didn't find an easy way to do it, so I used two "label Functions" (one for the name and another for the value). So, it gives something like:

Flex code:
<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{LV_XmlBSP_Page.@*}">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name" labelFunction="Lbl_Fction_AttrName" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Attribute" labelFunction="Lbl_Fction_AttrValue" />
// Label function to display value and name of XML attributes
private function Lbl_Fction_AttrName(obj_data:XML, obj_dataGridColumn:DataGridColumn):String

private function Lbl_Fction_AttrValue(obj_data:XML, obj_dataGridColumn:DataGridColumn):String
return obj_data.toXMLString();

Nugg Viewer - BSP enhancement

I've added a tab in the BSP part of the NuggViewer application. This tab allows you to see all the attributes of the page.

Site enhancement

Concerning the blog, I've added a counter and an "entry" in Google Analytics. The counter comes from:

mardi 18 novembre 2008

Adobe and mobile plateforms

To read: adobe is going to attack the market of mobile platforms and linux 64!

dimanche 16 novembre 2008

About the development ...

As I told you, I love to test new things. About one year ago, Microsoft released XAML, a declarative language to code interface for .Net program. To test it, I needed to find a little project useful for me... Then I remember that I was not happy when I had to find in a saved code source some stuffs...Why? b/c the source code was in a nugg file, and even if XML is supposed to be human readable, it wasn't the case with this file! => I've found my project. After some week-ends playing with XAML, I begin to think that the .Net framework was too complex for building a simple application. In the same time, I was discovering the power of WebDynPro Abap and the beautiful implementation of the MVC design pattern. So, I begun to test different framework like ROR (Ruby On Rails), Zend (Php)... and finally Flex. I found the language and the framework I was looking for. Indeed, the ActionScript 3 has all the power of an OO language, but has also a wide range of useful libraries (XML, List…). Flex support a simple but powerful databinding on graphical components.

Use and functionality

  • just drag and drop an nugg file on the application
  • view classes
  • view reports
  • view bsp (not yet finished)
  • simple syntax coloration (abap keywords and comments)
  • Full BSP support
  • WebDynPro Abap support

Some screenshots

Download the application

Blogger doesn't support upload of AIR files, so I used the web site to host the file.
To download the file, you must enter the code on the right, then click on the button below.

mardi 11 novembre 2008

Nugg Viewer

What is this ?
I wanted a simple applicaion to view "nugg" files, that is abap code coming from SAP. The nugg file is made using SAP Link, a great utility to extract code source from SAP.